New Construction AV Budgeting

House of Worship Edition

When embarking on a new construction project for a church, budgeting for AV (audiovisual) systems is a crucial component that can significantly impact the project's overall success. Proper planning and allocation of funds for AV systems ensure that the facility can meet the needs of its congregation while staying within financial constraints. First, we’ll look at some general industry trends regarding spending and budgeting, and then we’ll address four key things you can do to help plan your project more appropriately.


METHOD 1: Percentage of CONSTRUCTION Budget

A starting number is often where we recommend you begin. The most common method we see is to create an AV budget based on a percentage of your total construction budget. The median range is 15-20% of the total budget. This is a standard among modern or contemporary churches. You could reduce this percentage for a traditional church with low production needs or increase it for a high-production-value church.

  • Traditional Worship Style | 10-15%

  • Contemporary Worship Style | 15-20%

  • Modern Worship Style | 20-25%

  • Very high production values | 25%+

*Please note that this would not include the infrastructure (power, conduit, structural backing, etc.) to support those systems. Those costs are typically accounted for in electrical and structural budgets.

Let’s look at an example. If your total estimated construction budget is $1,000,000 you would potentially estimate at 17.5% (median) an AV budget of $175,000. However, budgets will flex based on programming and needs. We recommend calculating a range based on that original number, plus or minus 15%.

Running with this example of a $1,000,000 construction budget, your AV budget range would be between $148,750 and $201,250. If you need a simple formula, we recommend using the following:

BOTTOM RANGE OF BUDGET = [Construction Budget] x [AV Budget Percentage] x .85

TOP RANGE OF BUDGET = [Construction Budget] x [AV Budget Percentage] x .115


A second method that can work for a facility that is primarily auditorium-based is simply setting an estimated value per seat. Please note that this method wouldn’t work accurately for a construction project that encompasses a large percentage of mixed-use facilities, such as educational wings and athletic facilities.

However, it can be a solid method for setting an initial budget if the facility project centers mostly around worship/assembly space(s). On average, most contemporary and modern churches spend between $750 and $1,500 per seat. This method can also be weighted based on your congregation's worship style. If your congregation is more traditional, you could reduce this to $500/seat or increase it to $2,000/seat or more if your production needs are very high.

A great example would be a new construction project that’s limited to adding a new auditorium to an existing facility. Let’s say the auditorium is being designed with a seating capacity of 1,000 seats. At a budget of $1,250 per seat, a healthy AV budget would be $1,250,000.

*With this method, we also recommend setting a range at plus or minus 15%.



So, that covers how to set an initial budget in the early stages. When it comes to dialing into something more realistic, many factors must be considered when developing an accurate budget. Let’s examine four critical things that have a massive impact on determining a realistic budget for AV.

1. Understand the Scope 

The first step in budgeting for AV costs is to understand the scope and specific requirements of the project thoroughly. Consider the following questions:

  • What is the primary purpose of each space? 

  • What are the expected room capacities?

  • What events, services, or presentations will be in each space?

  • What audio and visual quality is required?

Once you go down the list of these simple questions, it becomes a rabbit hole of follow-up questions. This is especially true today when churches are increasingly maximizing the potential of their spaces for multiple purposes.

Let’s take a lobby or gathering space, for example. Traditionally, our clients simply needed to extend the service into these spaces. That usually involved displays and speakers to allow seeing and hearing what was taking place in the auditorium. However, many clients today are asking for much more. Utilizing these spaces for small—to mid-sized functions or events, requiring isolated systems with more performance and control capabilities, is becoming commonplace.

Gathering detailed answers to these questions for your planned spaces will help define the necessary AV equipment and systems, such as sound reinforcement, video projection, lighting, and control systems. 

2. Consult with AV Professionals (sooner rather than later)

Engage with an AV professional early in the planning process. A quality AV consultant can work with your team to help define the scope and requirements of your project. This can provide critical clarity around expectations for how your new facility will function and perform. 

Beyond defining expectations, an AV firm can help your design and development team on many fronts. The right provider can share valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience. Their experience can save considerable time and money in the long run by addressing problems before significant financial commitments are made to floor plans and structural designs.

The right firm can engage directly with your design team during the design and development phase to ensure the facility is optimized for AV systems performance suited for your congregation.

3. Define Responsibilities and Budgets Clearly

Unfortunately, new construction has many gray areas, which can greatly affect the overall AV budget. These “hidden” costs can add up substantially in a project, especially if the original estimates provided by your design team do not account for them appropriately.

For example, a performance audio system would ideally be deployed utilizing power fed from a shielded isolation transformer. This would not typically be provided by the AV contractor but by the electrical contractor underneath the general contractor. This one item alone can cost thousands of additional dollars that your design team might not have accounted for if an AV firm had not consulted in the early stages of the project.

These responsibilities in areas of overlap need to be clearly defined and understood early on in the process to ensure your team receives accurate budgetary estimates. Here is a short list of areas we often see overlooked:

  • High voltage requirements for AV systems

  • Provision and installation of AV specialty back boxes

  • Installation and control of house lighting or architectural lighting

  • Control of architectural lighting in critical spaces

  • Low voltage conduit for AV

  • Structural support for heavy equipment rigging

Your AV firm can help your team work through these areas of responsibility to ensure little to no surprises down the road, reducing change orders and unexpected costs.

4. Allocate a Contingency Budget

Unexpected expenses are almost inevitable in construction projects. Allocate a contingency budget of at least 10-15% of the total AV costs to cover unforeseen issues such as equipment upgrades, additional labor, or changes in project scope. This contingency budget will provide financial flexibility and help avoid delays caused by budget shortfalls.

Some firms provide a contingency budget as part of their contract however many do not. It is always recommended to do so whether on the client or provider side. No matter how well planned, new construction is always met with unforeseen cost increases and changes in project scope. AV should be treated the same way.


Budgeting for AV costs in the context of a new construction project for a church requires careful planning, consultation with professionals, and a detailed understanding of the project's requirements. Using the advice above, you can create a realistic budget that ensures high-quality AV systems are integrated into your project, providing an exceptional experience for your congregation while staying within financial constraints.

Have questions? We’re here to help. Use the button below to start a conversation with an expert on our team.

David Price | @davidpriceav



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